Friday 19 May 2006


For once we actually have to get up early for a morning tour. We visit a monastery, where Chopin spent some time at the end of his life when he was ill . Good thing we had a guide, or we really wouldn't have learned anything.

After the tour we decide to stay in Palma (the city we are docked at.) We visit a cathedral/museum before finding a cafe for a pizza and wine for lunch. The guide told us the walk back to the ship would be around 45 minutes, but in reality it was at least an hour in the blazing heat! The walk is quite pretty with more sail boats than I have ever seen! Palma seems fair sized. Hard to say how big actually, but has lots of chain hotels and chain shops.

The is the end of Spain for us for a while. Tomorrow we are at sea and then on to France.

Sounds like Calgary is having a heat wave! Maybe it is snowing by now.


Anonymous said...

sorry to disapoint you but no snow in the forecast sounds like you are having more funevery day. Chopin pizza and wine couldn't get any better. mom.

Adam Scott said...

Make sure to get stumbling drunk at least once for me. Glad to see that food and drink are a big part of the vacation. I'd love more descriptions of the more interesting/unique meals/snacks/drinks.

Then again....who needs the hassle.
