Saturday 20 May 2006

St. Tropez

In the morning we stop near a beach for some beach time. What I mean by near is that we stop about 300 meters from land and we have to use a tender to get to the beach. The tenders are small boats that shuttle people back and forth to the beach. These tenders have a hard time through the choppy Medeterranean waters and the ride is pretty rough - but fun.

The beach was relatively busy, had sand (not rocks) and very blue water. We only spend a couple hours here but long enough to be happy I used sun screen. There is a guy walking along the beach selling news papers for $7.00!

In the afternoon we tender off of St Tropez and are shuttled in again. This is definitely a place for us to visit for no longer than a day - we don't have the budget for it. As soon as we are tendered in, all we see are enormous yachts and sail boats. I've never seen anything like it - each one was bigger than the next. There was one with a platform under it from where a smaller boat could be launched from. Most of the menus we looked at were also pricier than we have seen up to now. We did manage to stop for a drink near a group of old French men playing boules - very French!

Another hot day for us in Europe. I hope everyone is still enjoying hot weather at home. It's nice to tell people who think home is unbearably cold how warm it has been these days.

Good news for those of you who never managed to let go of your mullets. They seem to be back with a vengeance. So does wearing white pants with polka dotted, striped or any visible color of underwear. I guess this may have never 'gone out'.

Tomorrow we say au revoir to the ship and bonjour to Nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

much cooler today, Didn't chris pack his white pants. Have you two been sea sick yet, we keep hearing about all these choppy waters.hope chris is getting enough
