Tuesday 16 May 2006

at sea

Although we have been sleeping relatively late each day, today is the latest yet - 11:30! I'm sure we're not on any kind of sleep schedule yet, so I don't think we can really say it's late.

We spend most of the day reading and getting some sun on the deck of the boat as we sail toward Ibiza. All in all pretty uneventful. We were lucky enough to see some dolphins - pretty amazing.

Tomorrow takes us to Ibiza.


Anonymous said...

Hey kids. I read your travels everyday. Glad to read you're having such a great time. Sounds amazing. Can't wait to see pictures when you return. I'm glad someone finally said something about Chris's signature popping up with every post...hehe. Can't wait to read more. Tracy

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa & Chris
Sounds like you are having a wonderful vacation. I'm enjoying reading your daily comments. Played golf Friday night with your Mom and Dad. The weather was cool and windy when we started and downrite cold when we finished but we had a good time. The temperature here today is supposed to be +30 - finally summer.
Take care, Diana