Tuesday 16 May 2006


We had a day to explore Ibiza on our own without any tours. This is a welcome change from the daily tours we have been on each day up till now. We visit the cathedral, the old town, lots of shops where I buy a scarf, sit in a few cafes and have more than one vino blanco, no tapas yet for us...maybe manana. I am thrilled to be able to communicate - basically. This is one of the better stops for us, lots of cafes and plenty of action. A great day with great weather - high 20s probably.

Chris is hoping that what they say about birds pooping on a person as being good luck - I think he should have bought a Spanish lottery ticket!

When we were at the sherry winery a few days ago we picked up a couple of bottles of wine. We had the first today. Until today I hadn't met a wine I didn't like, that is until today. This stuff is CRAP! I have actually considered pouring the crappola out - it is bad.

We have taken care of the signature problem...we didn't realize our readers were so discerning - good to know.

Tomorrow takes us to Mallorca.


Anonymous said...

Love to hear about all of your adventures. Lisa, glad to hear that you are able to do your laundry. At least you are enjoying some of the wines. Today is very hot 28 degrees.Mom.

Anonymous said...

I was so lucky recently. Rod