Tuesday 16 May 2006


We dock at Motril and the tour takes us to Granada. The weather in Motril is very foggy and misty but in Granada it is sunny and hot.

It takes about an hour to get to Granada where our group meets a guide for a tour of Alhambra which is a palace/garden/fortress. The gardens alone are amazing - I am more impressed by them than Versaille. The pathways are narrower and seem more intimate. Water streams throughout the gardens - from level to level. Apparently this is the most visited site in Spain. On our way back to the bus there are some shops where Chris gets a beer for the bus ride - ahhhhh Europe!

The bus takes us for a bit of a tour around Granada. It seems like a city we'd like to spend more time in.

I think I have mastered the art of bathtub laundry. I am happy with all of my clothes being clean, while Chris is proud of the fact that he owns a lot of underwear.

Thanks to those of you who have left comments here. It is good to know somebody is reading this. We also like hearing a bit from home.

Tomorrow we are at sea.

Chris Kowalski, P. Eng.
McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd.
direct: 218-1383
fax: 233-2744
email: cbk@mcdan.com

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