Friday 2 June 2006

Bulgaria - beer is cheaper than gas

Who has Bulgaria in their top 10 list of places to visit? I certainly didn't imagine myself here.

We were warned that the busses would be 'not the best' and had AC but again this would 'not be the best'. I don't know what I expected, but if not for the warning I wouldn't have noticed. The AC performed very well, considering it was 34 degrees today! The roads are another story all together...bumpy and narrow only begin to describe them with horses and wagons almost as common as vehicles. As the bus bounced through the Bulgarian country side, we spotted a few stork nests. Actually not difficult to spot - these nests are on the tops of power poles and are enormous.

We make stops at yet another church which was built as a typical barn on the outside during the time the Turks ruled the area as they demanded the belief in Islam. The inside of the church was amazingly decorated with frescos on all walls and the ceiling.

We then visited a fortress which although seems very old was in ruins and was rebuilt by the communisits. Then we had a stop for some shopping where Chris found a plastic liter bottle of beer for one USD!

Another one for the 'firsts' list...was 'going' in a hole in the ground. I knew this day would come and it was actually much, much better than I had expected.

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