Sunday 14 May 2006


I was a bit concerned after the first night at sea about the roughness of the sea. It seems like that first night was unusually rough and things have calmed down significantly.

The temperatures are cooler today at about 21 degrees - looked like rain, but none came.

Once in Morocco, we travelled inland a bit to Tetouan. Here we walk through the crowed, narrow streets with a guide and a security man. We see chickens (dead and alive), rabbits, produce and almost anything else you could imagine. There are very few women to be seen and the ones we do see are wearing traditional and western clothing - none of the women are sitting in cafes, all are walking. A carpet shop is on the itinerary - some of the group buys but we don't. Next we stop for a drink where we are entertained by belly dancers, muscians, and a guy who placed his hand on the ground and moved his whole body around his hand without moving it. Once I figured out what he was actually doing, I couldn't watch! I'm not sure how many tourists actually visit this city - we don't see any others, and many of the kids we see find us hillarious! I wonder who would be more culture shocked - us or them if we visited the other's country.

After dinner we sail through the straight of Gibraltarr. It is too bad this is in the dark, but what we do see is a bunch of lights and fog. The moon is full tonight.

Tomorrow takes us back to Spain where we visit Granada.

Chris Kowalski, P. Eng.
McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd.
direct: 218-1383
fax: 233-2744


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an exciting trip - tours of a cork factory, buying a six pack for $2 - things can't get much better than that.

It's pretty cool how you are providing us with all of your work contact info with every post - might want to turn that off of the Blackberry...

Anonymous said...

Good to read you got to sail by a bit of Britian. D