Wednesday 14 June 2006

Let it rain

The sky is grey and ominous when we wake in the morning. It isn't raining as we arrive at an old palace and gardens and is actually quite warm. We start in the palace, but unfortunately the rain comes in buckets just as we are about to go on a tour of the gardens.

This is not too bad really as the trees are so thick that standing under them is completely dry. There is also a 'cedar tunnel' that is so thick is it totally dry and quite dark. When we walked through a couple of old ladies were busy sweeping the forest under the tunnel.

The rest of the afternoon is spent sailing with intermitent rain. This weather is not great for the sun deck, but is perfectly fine for sitting of our balcony - sheltered, yet outside. Plus we bought a 2 liter box of wine at the Casa Matteus so we were set.

After dinner we are docked in a town that doesn't really seem like a town at all as there is 1 buildind. We find a pub with a few locals in it to watch the end of the Brazil/Crotia game. As far as World Cup goes, we get no games at all on the ship which sucks! It would be ok to even be able to go into town and see them each night, but that isn't always possible. Once the game ends we head back to the ship to catch the end of a Flamenco performance in the bar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're slackin' off a bit here Leese. It's been at least 2 days since I've read anything....hehe. Hope you're having too much fun to post!! By the way STILL RAINING here. It's getting to be a little too much for me. Tracy!!