Wednesday 14 June 2006

The Douro

We set sail this morning after spending the night in Porto. The south side of the river is Porto and the north side is considered another town called Gaia. The Port houses and their signs (Taylor, Sandemans, Grahams etc.) are on the Gaia side just like we have seen in pictures. They established there and actually created the town so they wouldn't have to pay taxes to the Bishop of Porto - good business!

The morning is spent on the sun deck reading and enjoying the scenery. The river has cut a gorge through mountains which is absolutely beautiful as there are vineyards and olive orchards everywhere. We have to get off of the sun deck just before we head into the first of 5 locks/dams but our room has a balcony so we are able to watch the goings on from there (after a few minutes it is really not all that exciting.)

We sail until about 2:00 in the afternoon when we stop for no apparent reason other than to stretch our legs. The town we stop is very tiny but is renouned for its hot spring spa. There is a spring in the middle of town that a huge wash area is built around. The town's people apparently bring their wash there. We dipped our hands in the water and it is very hot!

After sailing for a couple more hours we stop at another town where they have a port tasting center. We taste a few ports and buy a bottle for the ship.

Dinner tonight is in a paradour which (I have just learned) is a system of hotels in Portugal that are in old manor houses, palaces, castles etc. with the purpose of perserving the old buildings. The meal and the setting are both very nice.

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