Friday 16 June 2006

Salamanca and the frogs

Once again it looks like rain as we set out for Salamanca, Spain. The river isn't controlled which means is it not navigable in Spain so the bus trip into Salamanca is about an hour and a half on windy roads.

As we arrive in Salamanca it starts to POUR! We have to wait a bit for the guides for our walking tour and by this time luckily, is it only spitting. Salamanca is a fair sized city of about 200 000. We visit the university which dates from 1200, a cathedral and some other city sights - the usual European city stops.

The symbol of the city is a frog (which suits me just fine!) and can be seen everywhere - on monuments, on t-shirts and in every souviniere shop in town. For Salamanca they symbolize good luck and wisdom.

Lunch at a hotel is paella and roast chicken - delicious!

After lunch we watch the end of the Spain/Ukraine soccer match, take in more of the city sights and buy a few souvinieres. On the bus back to the ship we are relegated to the front of the top of a double decker bus. This does nothing good for my belly and by the time we are half way into the trip I'm expecting to see the paella again. We arrive back to the ship just in time and after lying down for a few moments things have settled down. I'm still not feeling great for the rest of the night and pretty much head straight to bed after dinner which is a good thing as tomorrow is another early call.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you're picking up your brother/brother-in-law something at all the souvinir shops as you just KNOW he'll be asking "what'd you get me" whence you return home.....hehe. Sounds just like Calgary with all the rain you're getting there. Hopefully we're getting some better weather here for your return!! Tracy.