Friday 16 June 2006

Captain's dinner has been touch and go for the last 2 days with the last blog posting giving us a huge amount of trouble. It seems like it just went so hopefully it was a temporary problem. I'm pleased to know people haven't become totally bored by the blog and are still waiting for the next post!

The day stared at a medieval town atop a hill. This town currently has about 75 inhabitants (Chris is convinced Europe is the only place the word 'inhabitants' is used). It is truly medieval - ruins of a fortress, steep and narrow streets. This is a special day for Catholic Portugese (all of them) as it is Pentecost. This means most shops are closed but also that they have a religious procession through the town.

The local products include almonds. We buy a pack of honneyed ones - yum! We try to take a look at the work of the local artisans, but the shop turns out to be the smallest one in the history of the world - about the size of a shoe box so we bail on that.

After lunch on board the ship we spend the afternoon sailing and napping! The scenery is amazing with vineyards, orchards and the gorge. It was a great decision to get the balcony room.

Before dinner we are taken to a Port house for a lecture and a tasting. We haven't yet found the perfect, super sweet gift for Doran after he promised to do all the weeding in our garden.

We have been invited to sit at the Captain's table tonight for the Captain's dinner. We have no idea why, but it is fun. The captain doesn't speak much English so really we just visit with some of the other guests at the table - we drink free wine so here's to the Captain!

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