Saturday 3 June 2006


Serbia is definitely another place I never dreamed I'd visit. A city tour of Belgrade revealed a typical Eastern European city with the addition of bombed buildings still to be restored or destroyed. Quite striking to see the consequence of war.

With only a couple of hours on our own after the city tour we wander the streets busy with city life. We changed 10 USD and hoped for a beer on a terrace (what cafes are called in this part of Europe.) We got 2 beers and had over half of our money left. With little time before the ship sailed we wanted to spennd the rest of the money. This was not easy. An ice cream was .60 USD. So we have some Serbian notes as souvenirs!

The ice cream I mentioned was not exactly what we think of when we say icw cream. This was like very cold whipped cream in typical ice cream flavors. It was very good just very different.

By this time we have 10 minutes to get back to the boat so we pick up the pace. We arrive no problem and sail to Hungary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Had to catch up, as it has been a few days since I read the blog. SOunds like a fascinating trip. So interesting to hear about how people in other parts live! Glad you are having a good time. I miss talking to you, Leese. Chris, that is going to be one loooooooooooong phone call when you get back!

Tonya, Dave, Ben and Emma