Saturday 3 June 2006

Sailing the Iron Gates

Today is a sailing day. On the agenda are reading, napping, watching movies and enjoying the spectacular scenery.

The Iron Gates (which to my 'surprise' aren't actual gates) are a beautiful narrow passage on the Danube river between Serbia and Romania. Many died here trying the escape from Causescu's Romania. Around one bend of the river we see an enormous face of a king carved into the mountain. Tucked into nooks and crannies here are monasteries and convents. The entire area is spectacular scenery.

We sail through 2 locks - one is relatively small (took about 30 min) and the other was in 2 parts and took 90 min. Power Station #2 (lock #2) is the biggest power station in this part of the world. Before we go through the locks we have to wait our turn behind other ships waiting to continue along the Danube.

The weather is quite chilly today (probably around 15 degrees) so we really spend little time out doors on the boat. Fortunately our room has floor to ceiling windows so we have a great view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris and Lisa, Things are doing well here. Weather was very cold last week 7degrees on the weekend, buthas improved greatly since. It was very hot during the week. We golfed last night. We still read about all your adventures every day and love to hear from you. Take care. Mom.