Friday 11 July 2008

Mytilene, Greece – The Island of Lesbos - July 11

When we arrive in Greece, it is very hot – 37 degrees. It feels hot, but it isn’t very humid so I’m not dying of the heat at all. I thought the heat here would kill me and have always feared Greece a bit because of this, but today anyway things were fine.

We have to tender in again today and then drive along the coast of this island to an ouzo factory. Although tendering is a pain as we have to wait for the tenders rather than just walking off of the ship, tendering is fun. We get to feel and taste the sea as it splashes into the boat. Apparently the sea is quite rough today – how would we know??

The landscape is full of olive trees and the sea, a few goats here and there and very arid land. We visit the ouzo factory (see pic of the still), have a beer in a seaside café and are back on board. Greece has siestas so when we are in town it is pretty quiet. It looks like a great place to be at night. We are back to places we are comfortable with…people who speak some English and cafes.

Tonight we pack, do some last minute laundry and get ready to end our cruise and head to Athens on our own. Although the cruise was great, we really didn’t have as much time (the nature of cruises in our experiences) as we would have liked in each port and are looking forward to being on our own to explore the cities.

One interesting experience was meeting an American women who could not stop professing her love for George Bush – she actually said she “loved George Bush”! When would I ever (or anyone) say they loved Stephen Harper??

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