Friday 11 July 2008

Day at Sea…Sailing the Dardanells and the Bosphorous - July 10

Not much to report for our day spent sailing. Although I wake up early (waking up early doesn’t seem difficult when I don’t actually have to be anywhere) I am still up at 7:00 – Chris sleeps late. Because we are on the ship all day we are able to take advantage of the on board amenities we miss when we are on excursions.

We actually attend an art auction on the ship. Our ship is full of original art by big name artists – Picasso, Rembrandt, Chagall, Dali to name a few! Most of the big names are prints, but still original (supposedly). Apparently for cruise ships to have art like this and auctions is very typical – news to us. The auction results in very little buying, but there’s a lot of art info given throughout the auction about the artists and a types of art, so that’s interesting.

It is pretty much at sunset that we sail through the Bosphorous straight that connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara which then connects to the Aegean. This is fabulous as we see Istanbul just as it is getting dark which is stunning. The Bosphorous pretty much splits Istanbul, so it is on both sides of us as we sail through. I am again reminded how much I loved Istanbul.

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