Wednesday 22 July 2009

Flying, flying, flying

After 2 flights (9hrs to London was 9 hrs long and 4 to Istanbul) we aren't all that beat since we were able to get a fair amount of sleep on the London flight. We had about 3 hrs between flights in London which we spent in the BA lounge. Beside food and drink here I am able to take a shower. Quite convenient, but quite odd at the same time.

I arranged transportation to the hotel online and it is seamless. Within 5 minutes of getting our bags we are in a car and 30 after that we are at the hotel (about 1am). The hotel is in a different part of Istanbul from where ours was last year - more residential. We are still relatively familiar with this area from last year which is near where the ships leave from. The area is less touristy and quite posh with designer shops lining the streets. The building where the W Hotel is, used to be row houses built in the 19th century to house workers from the Domabache Palace which is close by. We walk around a bit to find some water for the hotel and call it a night.

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