Friday 24 July 2009

Istanbul, Turkey July 23

Our first stop today is at the Besiktas soccer stadium for a bit of shopping. The only thing I know about this team is that they pretty much have the coolest looking gear. We get a few shirts and are on our way.

We pretty much follow our footsteps from last year and climb a very steep hill to Taksim square which is a district of shopping, cafes and restaurants. Plenty of places up here have beer, so we stop. I have to make a note about the washrooms outside of the hotel...Turkey has the best, cleanest I have ever found. They always have seats, paper and are CLEAN!

After the beer we set out to find another similar district that is between where we are and our hotel. This proves IMPOSSIBLE. We finally break out Chris' GPS and see that although we are somewhat close, the streets are hardly are very tangled and are up and down hills so we flag a taxi (very unusual for us.) Not 2 minutes into our taxi ride does the taxi collide with a moped! It was one of those moments that happened in slow motion - that we could see happening, but could do nothing about. After just a bit of yelling at each other the 2 drivers went their separate says, and we make it to out hotel.

We spend the evening at a spot we discovered yesterday that is a about 20 minutes walk from our hotel that is full of cafes and restaurants and is very busy. It seems as though this is a tourist area for the Turkish. There are about 6 restaurants next to each other that pretty much serve the same food (very easily could use the same kitchen) but only some seem to serve beer - guess which one we choose?? So with our cokes, I have another iskender and Chris has a chicken kabob. We finally get our water pipe and just watch the Istanbul evening go by.

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