Friday 31 July 2009

Venice, Italy, July 30

This morning I experienced what I know will be the highlight of this trip and probably of all time for me. DOPLPHINS!!! Chris and I were outside enjoying the sea go by from our balcony first thing in the morning when he spotted them. It was spectacular. They followed us for a while jumping, splashing, leaping and slamming into the water. It was stunned, breathtaking, amazing. Just when we thought they were gone another one bounded out of the sea – WOW.

There was a California wine maker on this cruise who hosted a wine tasting that we went to before heading to the upper deck for the best views of as we sailed into Venice around noon.

In the afternoon we had a walking tour of Venice. It was another hot day made hotter by the very high humidity. Although I was drinking plenty of water I was felling a bit worse for wear after a few hours. Our boat was docked very close to the ‘action’ so we went back for a shower before heading out again for dinner. Chris had lasagne and I had pizza - delicious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice, you guys are getting some summer weather at least.... How much does a Gondola ride cost ?