Wednesday 29 July 2009

Dubrovnik, Croatia July 30

We woke leisurely this morning (although it was to LOUD Spanish kids and their nannies next door) and spent most of the morning lazing in the room and on the balcony enjoying the spectacular view of Dubrovnik’s old city.

The ship basically had 2 options of where to dock/anchor in Dubrovnik, and as we had hoped we are anchored off the old city. Anchoring means that we have to tender. Although this is quite a pain, it brings us right into the heart of where you want to be as a Dubrovnik tourist. The tenders are a pain as basically the boat is anchored a couple hundred meters off shore and we have to take small boats (100 people capacity) in to town. This means a lot of waiting for the tenders rather than just stepping off of the boats and onto shore.

As we has been a week in Dubrovnik last year we didn’t book a tour but visited a bar on the outside of the city walls (you can see Chris in the pic), had a pizza and walked the town before catching another tender back to the boat.

We have dinner with a artist from Peru and a dentist from Miami who tell us that there is an art show in Venice that although we have nothing organized to visit hope to run into tomorrow or the next day.

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