Thursday 29 July 2010

Stockholm, Sweden – July 29

WOW did it rain today! We waited, and waited and waited some more for it to let up, but it didn’t. Finally we decided to venture out and hope for the best and luckily it wasn’t cold. Of course we had umbrellas, but at one point there was quite a downpour and we returned to the hotel SOAKED!

We visited Stockholm’s national museum (art mostly – not just from Sweden.) This museum is the perfect size for a museum…took us about 2 hours to cover.
Next was lunch…We found an outdoor terrace that had huge awnings and heaters under so we ate outside. Here like we found in Copenhagen the outdoor cafes and restaurants have blankets on each chair to use when it is cold. Can’t say we didn’t get a bit wet, but that was part of the charm of sitting outside.

After lunch we hit what we thought was a medieval museum. Once we got inside, we wondered what Egypt, Greece and Turkey had to do with a medieval museum. Well…we realized that The Medelhavsmuseet is not in fact medieval, but is really the museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities. I have to say, the antiquities parts of museums are typically the parts I blow through mostly I think because I don’t really know enough about what I’m looking at. I didn’t blow through this one and I don’t think I’ll be blowing through the antiquities again. There among other exhibits were real mummies (can’t say I’ve ever seen one of those before) and a set of several hundred (only half are here in Sweden) terra cotta statues found in Cyprus in the 1920s. These ranged in size from almost life size to a couple of inches. The whole place was very interesting. Not a place we would probably have visited normally, but we have a ‘Stockholm Card’ that gets us into a whole bunch of attractions at no cost.

Only a couple of minutes after we leave the museum we are caught in a torrential downpour. By the time we walk the 10 minutes back to the hotel we are pretty soaked especially our shoes.

Note about Sweden…smoking is banned indoors. Smoking is allowed in outdoor areas. Also, Sweden is very high tech…buses won’t take payment. You have to have some sort of prepayment which can actually be a text you send which sends you back proof of payment! Very cool. And…alcohol can only be sold where there are full kitchens. So basically there are no bar only places. And…drivers are very courteous. Often cars will stop even though they have a green light. It seems as though they are ready for pedestrians to cross against the light although it doesn’t seem like many people do.


Anonymous said...

Still enjoying your blogs and twitters everyday. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are still having an amazing time! Enjoy the final days:)
