Saturday 21 July 2012

at sea - July 21

popcorn appetizer
Sea days are delightful.  Mostly because there is absolutely NO reason to get up with an alarm.  After a leisurely morning in our room (mostly on the deck) we eat a Mexican themed lunch (very tasty) grab a drink from the pool bar where we linger for a while and return to our deck.  It never ceases to amaze me how I can dedicate sooooo much time to doing nothing.

The deck we have is fantastic.  We knew it would be oversized when we booked – on cruises you book specific rooms.  Because of the design of the ship, it is big enough to accommodate 2 lounge chairs, a table and 2 regular chairs – and really much, much more.  Ours is a baseline cabin on this ship, but because of the ship design there are a few cabins that have big decks – it really feels like a bigger cabin.

The day ends with dinner and some time at the casino where I am able to double my (Chris’) 100.00!  To start out dinner there is a small bite of something that I have never tasted before, but would be happy to eat EVERY day for the rest of my life!  It was a small glass filled with a layer of corn chowder, parmesan cheese, corn foam and a piece of pop-corn – WOW was it ever delicious, one of the more delicious things I have ever tasted.

And no…Chris was actually quite adept with his snails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you two are having a great time. Love reading your blog every day. Your father is even caught up.
