Tuesday 17 July 2012

Barcelona July 16 and 17

We have finally arrived in Barcelona.  After one of the best overnight flights to London (best is measured by the amount of sleep I get) and a short hop to Barcelona we have arrived at what is a CRAZY hotel.  I should mention that between flights we have a couple of hours which is the perfect amount of time to get an airport shower, a couple of drinks and a bite to eat.  I don’t ever think I’ll tire of showering in an airport.  Of course I am counting the days until I can shower at 40 000 feet - a girl can dream.
As we are only here 3 nights we only unpack a bit and head out into the sultry Sanish evening in search of tapas.  Other than Cava, the Gypsy Kings and Antonia Bandaras I think the best Spanish invention has got to be TAPAS.  A meal can be made entirely of these little appetizers which is how Chris and I love to eat – a little of this…a little of that…and a meal is made.  We have patatas bravas (potato chunks with a spicy sauce), calamari (of course), a piece of omelette and chorizo sausage (I am not usually the biggest fan of sausage in general, but in Spain I somehow feel differently.)  All of this washed down with a bottle of wine.  Vacation is off to a BUENO start!
Picasso Museum - no pics allowed inside
So…I mentioned that our hotel is CRAZY.  The room is very PINK.  The bedding is pink, the towels are pink, the walls are pink – other than the carpet EVERYTHING is PINK.  I am not surprised as I booked this, but Chris is a bit surprised.  It is what could be called pepto-bismal-chic.  Not exactly the most luxurious hotel we’ve ever stayed in, but I knew that going in and the price is right – I think it might also be good for my old-lady-back (if you know what I mean!)  It’s location is perfect for a tourist.  There are 24/7 snacks, beer and wine so that is great.  Really what I like best about that is the non-stop mineral water.  First on our agenda when we arrive in a city is a visit to the local piggly-wiggly for water which we didn’t need to do this time.  At one point we thought we killed the power to the entire hotel when we tried to plug a power bar in - using an adapter we plugged it in and POP the whole room went black.  A quick check into the hall assured us that is was just our room.  Conveniently the breaker was in our room so after a quick flip we were back in business.
The next day we get a late start and visit the Pablo Picasso museum by 12:30.  We have pre-purchased tickets which is by far the best approach.  Although there is a very long line we bypass this and head right in.  We haven’t paid more, just planned ahead.  This museum is not particularly big and we are out in about 90 minutes.

Chris eating dessert!!
Our late lunch is tapas on a terrace (basically an open space in the middle of a courtyard outside the restaurant- calamari, Manchego cheese, tomato bread and Cava Sangria.  I have never had Sangria made with Cava, but it is delicious.  Tomato bread is also something new to me – toasted bread (any kind) rubbed with olive oil and tomatoes – I’m in LOVE. While we eat we are serenaded by a couple of guys singing while playing their guitars – they are very good.  Often there are musician strolling while we eat outside in Europe, but in comparison these guys are good.  We happily listen while we eat, drink and watch the world go by.  Dessert is a couple of ice-cream cones where the very picky ice-cream guy won’t take my Turkish $$.  It looks very similar to a Euro coin and I don’t even notice, but he sure did. 
Siesta is in order accompanied by a bottle of Cava and some blogging.  In the evening we wander around and eat (more tapas.)


Anonymous said...

Couldn't stop laughing when I saw Chris in that very pink bed.


Anonymous said...

I like the not a big fan of sausage comment knowing hubby's nickname is sausage....makes me laugh.... Look forward to reading the adventures


Stacey said...

ROTFL...the pink room is awesome!!! looks like Grandma's bedspread!!

Anonymous said...

That room is something else!! Made me laugh out loud:)
