Thursday 19 July 2012

Barcelona and the ship, July 19

Escargot at dinner
How long does it take to shake jet-lag?  I didn’t think it affected me much until I am up at 3 AM wide awake for the second night in a row.  Today is a low-key day with us checking out of the pink palace and checking into the Oceania Rivieria – our home for the next 15 days. 

before dinner

Being on the ship is delightful!  Although we haven’t been on this ship or cruise line before being on the sister-line of this ship for the past 3 years quickly familiarizes us with the basics of the ship.  Essentially the ship is the same other than size – the ship is bigger and the room is smaller.  Bigger – 1200 passengers and room smaller – slightly smaller although we have a MUCH bigger balcony.

 After unpacking, lunch and the safety drill we are off to dinner and an early night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Chris didn't "pretty woman" his snails