Saturday 27 July 2013

Winchester, England, UK – July 27

waiting out the rain - gorgeous scenery even in the rain
Day 3 here in Winchester.

Rain with a high of 22 degrees

Stonehenge was the main attraction today although Mother Nature came in a close second! The day began with a leisurely morning on the terrace under a hot and sunny sky despite a forecast of 100% chance of rain. It was hard to believe that the day would end with us returning to the hotel as 2 drowned rats, but that was what the day had in store for us.

rain stopped for a brief moment
It was about an hour’s train ride from Winchester to get to Salisbury which is the departure point for Stonehenge. We hop on to a HOHO (hop-on-hop-off) bus for a tour of Salisbury and anther 8K on to Stonehenge. Stonehenge was pretty much exactly as we had expected – a busy site wandering around the prehistoric monoliths that make up the site. We spent
Salisbury cathedral

 about an hour there which was plenty. We hopped on the HOHO back to Salisbury for lunch and a visit to the city’s cathedral.  The Anglican cathedral dates back to the 13th century and is the tallest church spire in the UK and the world’s largest clock.

my kind of commute
We take the train back to Winchester  and walk back to the hotel in the torrential rain to get ready for dinner. By the time we are heading out for dinner the rain has weakened.


Anonymous said...

I guess you guys have found out what Britain's summers are like, but it is supposed to get better in the week. but don't let it stop you enjoying your holiday, we have never been down in that part of England it looks lovely. shona and david

Heather said...

Oh that lovely UK rain :-)

Melina said...

Sounds like fun even though the rain was there!