Friday 2 August 2013

Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK - Aug 2

Very foggy in the morning, clear in the PM, 14 degrees

some of the many birds
The morning started with a very thick fog. It wasn’t raining, but the fog at points made it hard to see much of anything from the bus on our way to Mousa Island which is where we would spend much of the day. This part of Sheltand Island is not nearly as thick with vegetation as where we have been.

foggy, rocky coast of Mousa Island, should be called Sheep Island
Mousa Island is about a 30 minute drive from Lerwick. It isn’t too cold, but certainly foggy. After the drive to Sandwick we take a 10 minute ferry to Mousa Island. This island is uninhabited by people, but there are many birds. We also saw seals, but unfortunately saw no porpoises or whales. One seal seemed to follow us along as we hiked along the coast. The terrain on Mousa Island is very rough and there are essentially no paths. I don’t think a lot of people visit here as what paths there are aren’t very worn. I ask the guide how many visit and she indicated that a few thousand visit which doesn’t seem like a lot to me, but she seemed to think it was a lot.

the unpath

We hiked for about 2 hours while the guide talked about the flora and fauna of the island. It was incredible how fast the fog could roll in and then roll out again. In addition to the plants and animals there is an Iron Age Broch. What is an Iron Age Broch you ask? Mousa Broch is a stone-built castle over 2000 years old, about 13 meters high. It is shaped like a bee hive and is essentially an open cone inside.

Also on the island were about a million sheep – well maybe not a million, but MANY. We were torn between having our eyes down trying to dodge dung or up trying to see seals.

For lunch we had fish and chips from a fish and chip shop. 


some of the million sheep on a bridge

more sheep

Lerwick town
baby birds

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