Thursday 17 July 2014

Milan, Italy - July 16

29 degrees

Jet lag, what jet lag? Although we slept late, we are awake at a reasonable hour – 10ish. I think it’s that sleeping on the plane that does it. While we didn’t have a full night’s sleep, we had enough to not be exhausted until close to midnight last night. Unfortunately, we aren’t up in time for the hotel’s breakfast – oh well…I’m sure my body thinks it’s breakfast time anyway. Maybe it’s time for a pizza and wine
main building housing the ashes of many

Our first stop today is Milan’s castle (before the wine and pizza) – Sforza Castle. The castle is from the 15th century on the remains of a 14th-century fortification. We chose not to visit any of the castle’s museums – Egyptian, ancient art, weapons, but stroll around the grounds and the surrounding park.
Finally it was time for wine, pizza and bruschetta at a street side café – lovely. I am not happy, yet not surprised that there IS NO seat on the toilet in the WC. I know, I know…I am a princess, and judge me as you like, but I like a good ol’ sit when I do my business.

tomb depicting the stations of the cross

last supper
 While not much of a tourist site, Milan’s Cimitero Monumentale is one of the two largest cemeteries in the city. I had read about this place and thought it might be interesting to visit – I wasn’t wrong. This place is full of artistic tombs and monuments – and I mean FULL. Some of the tombs are enormous and all are very beautiful.

In the evening we head out for a drink at our hotel’s bar, accompanied by Milan’s version of tapas – apertivo. This is basically a spread of buffet-style snacks to go with the pre-dinner drink. The drinks apparently are a couple of Euros more expensive to supplement the food, which is what we found. The food was pretty much what you’d expect…olives, bruschetta, chips, cheese, etc.

Our ‘real’ dinner is at an outdoor spot near our hotel where I have pasta (of course) and Chris has wiener schnitzel – huh? A little more after dinner wine at another outdoor spot and that is the day.

expanse of the cemetery


Heather said...

Nice to hear you are there safe and sound! Thanks for sharing your journey! I've never been to Milan looks nice ...I'm a princess too so I'm with you on the toilet seat :-). Have fun

Lori said...

Glad you arrived safe and sound. Michael would definitely enjoy that cemetery!

Anonymous said...

Yes when in Milan it's ALL about the Schnitzel ... Seriously wtf were they sold out of clubhouses?

Dave in Ottawa