Tuesday 15 July 2014

Calgary to Milan - July 14/15

our ride

26 degrees when we arrive late evening

Travel days are the necessary evils preceding great vacations. As far as travel days go, today/yesterday wasn’t too foul. Calgary to Vancouver to London to Milan – LOOOONG, but fine. Especially considering we were able to use travel points for business seats – on the UPPER DECK of the plane. Super quiet, super roomy, super…super! Business tickets also meant I was able to take a shower in the business lounge while waiting for the last flight to Milan. I don’t think the charm of showering in an airport will ever really wear off – maybe once I shower ON the plane, but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Heathrow meant showering, shopping eating, drinking and resting.

I have had my eye on a particular tote/travel bag for a long time. I found them in Calgary, but thought they were a bit over priced so I gave up. However…last year I saw them in the airport in London for a much better price - of course not being exactly an impulse shopper I waited until this year. I was hoping to find them again this year and once I did I bought 2. If they’re good enough for the future queen of England, they’re good enough for me.

After 21 hours or so (4 AM Calgary time), we arrived in Milan to a cool, modern hotel right next to the Duomo which is where I plan to spend at least a bit of time before we leave on Saturday. On first glance, in the dark, Milan looks like a nice place to be for the next few days. Predictably, we aren't up for too much once we check in; a bit of a walk around but that’s it.

1 comment:

klee said...

Where is the picture of this fabulous bag you speak of?