Monday 21 July 2014

Kotor, Montenegro - July 21

degrees – why bother mentioning the weather…it’s always the same…HOT and HUMID. It’s actually worth mentioning that it is a bit overcast that just does enough to take the edge off the crazy humid heat. Once the clouds part it is back to the sweltering, drenching heat. 

Perast from a small boat

full size bag bought from Heathrow

collapsed bag bought from Heathrow
For the rest of the afternoon, it is mostly overcast which makes an afternoon on our cabin’s balcony delightful.

Jet lag rears it’s unpredictable head once again and we are up just after 7, although we aren’t scheduled to be anywhere until 10 and last night was relatively early.

Kotor is in a bay, in a fjord which makes sailing in and out gorgeous. Fjords make it seem like we are in a lake although we’re not. Of course we are still in the sea, but the overlapping mountains make the distance seem closed.

Church of Sveti Nikola

annual sailboat race

as seen from our balcony

This morning our boat is tendered in the Kotor Bay which means we have to take small tender boats to shore – this is only about 10 minutes. After meeting our guide we take a 25 min bus ride from Kotor to a smaller resort town called Perast. Here we take a short boat ride to an one of 2 small islands called ornate Our Lady of the Rocks where we visit the Church of Sveti Nikola built between the 15th and 17th centuries. The our morning ends with a walking tour of Kotor which we’ve visited before so we head back to the boat for a leisurely lunch and afternoon on our cabin’s veranda.

as seen from our balcony
The evening consists of dinner, the ships’s Broadway themed show and a few drinks.

Karen...we would love to have Seth...we would have to plan a bit more in the future...uncle Chris needs to train to keep up with Seth in this heat!!

1 comment:

klee said...

Nice bag! ;P So handy! And yes, it can be challenging to keep up with Seth. I swear he has some sort of super power - like super speed or something!