Sunday 20 July 2014

Milan to Venice - July 19

What we can see of Venice

July 19 Milan - Venice

30 degrees

The train is our mode of transportation to Venice this morning. The journey takes about 2.5 hours and is painless. Once in Venice we have to find our way to a meeting point to then be transported by coach to the ship.
industrial Venice
From the train in Venice to the ship is a bit of an exercise. 1 – off the train, 2 – figure out where to go, 3 – hoof it (with luggage of course) in the blazing heat (although not as much as Milan...yet) up and over a foot bridge (stairs), 4 - fix Chris' 25 year old duffle bag that just happened to snap mid-hoof 5 – get semi-lost, ask a friendly Italian who really should have laughed at me but didn’t and pointed at the next doorway, 6 – find the ‘People Mover’ in the next doorway, 7 - buy tickets to said ‘People Mover’, 8 – take people mover (very short tram) to the port where the ship actually isn’t due to a festival in Venice, 9 – find, after a looooooong walk in the blazing heat (still not as hot as Milan, but getting there), the spot to finally ditch our luggage, go through security and board a bus for the 20 min journey to the boat, 10 – get our welcome Champagne and take a breath!!

Once we board our rooms aren’t ready yet, so we get ourselves a drink, hook up with friends Deanna and Ron who will be our travelling companions for the next 10 days and eat some lunch. No bruschetta or pizza for this meal (although I’m sure I could get some if my heart desired) it was grilled sea bream for me (awesome – I will definitely be having that one again) and a burger for Chris.

in-room bar set up
After a bit of laundry, ironing and the safety drill, we head up to the top deck for a sail-away party. Sadly, as we are not in the heart of Venice as we were the last time we sailed here, there isn’t much of Venice to see.

Drinks, dinner and a losing session for me (thankfully not for Chris) at the casino round out the evening. We aren't docking in Dubrovnik tomorrow until the afternoon, so I stay out a bit later than I typically will.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you made it through all that and are on the ship. Nice little liquid stash you have going. Mom

Lori said...

An adventure just to get on the cruise. That was your workout for the week - lol!

Heather said...

I hope Chris didn't loose anything g when his duffle bag broke! I hear Ron won at 3 card that's great! Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite an adventure in patience! Shocking, Chris has a 25yr old bag? Now maybe you can splurge on one with wheels ;) Happy Anniversary!
