Sunday 9 August 2015

August 9 - Bristol, UK

Overcast, but warm…23 degrees, rain later in the day.

No alarm today was glorious – when is no alarm not glorious? By the time we got moving it was noon. Today being Sunday and also during Bristol’s hot-air balloon festival is busy around the old town. Out hotel is in the old part of the city so it is a short walk to the water – Bristol Harbour. The Harbour doesn’t seem to be a harbour in a functional sense, but is a tourist zone, with restaurants, bars, a market and other very touristy amenities.

lunch on the water
After a bit of a walk around we decide on a pub lunch. I had lamb skewers and Chris had lasagne – neither were great unfortunately, fine just not great. What is great is that all pubs have cider and not just Strongbow. I’ve had Thatcher’s Cider and Blackthorn. There is a Strongbow Dark Fruit that I’m interested in, but I suspect it’ll be on the sweat side.

Somehow our after-lunch stroll ends us up at another pub with a soccer match on. It’s a bit of dude central, with a few families thrown in. It’s still odd to see little kids at pubs.

not fake tasting enough
In the evening we tried for dinner in a pub, but of course no pubs seem to serve food in the evenings. At least this is what we found out last night and again tonight. We weren’t exactly up for a fancier Italian meal, but that’s what we found. 

Our quest for foreign chip flavour continues. Today it is roasted chicken and thyme. I think these are my least favourite so far. They are very authentically flavoured, which is somehow just a bit weird. Of course they aren’t so weird that we don’t eat them!

We have officially gone from the smallest (at least one of the smallest) to the largest showers we’ve ever been in. There are 2 entrances to it on either side. It was hard to take a shot of, but is behind this giant tub – note the 2 doors to the loo…that is a first also!

HUGE shower


Lori said...

I am loving all the "chip" pictures as much as the "drink in hand" pictures!!

Leona squance said...

Chips and drinks what could be better.

Heather said...

I too am loving the gourmet chip quest...bubbles would be good with them