Friday 11 August 2017

August 11 - Edinburgh, UK

from the museum's second level watching...
19 degrees, some wind, a bit of rain – rain is misty…nothing to even bother with a hat over

We’re getting into a rhythm here…up late, afternoon show, lunch, back for a rest, out for the evening.

Today was the first day since we arrived in Edinburgh that it rained. Considering that everyday there is a forecast for rain and we only got some today, I think we’re doing pretty well. Even when it did rain, it was a misty rain.

Our afternoon show today was called “Alternotive A
science exhibit
Cappella”, as the title describes it was an a cappella group. Although it was somewhat entertaining, it was probably our least favourite of the shows we’ve seen. It was just OK, a bit disappointing. No big deal, like many of the shows it was less than an hour (50 minutes, so not much lost.)

Lunch was pizza and a salad at a regular restaurant, as opposed to a pub. It was nice to have a waiter and have our order taken and the table. Just a chance from the pub style of ordering at the bar. That’s great for a quick bite, but we had loads of time.

It was time to replenish our snacks, so we bought a few red peppers, a couple of bananas and found some ‘roast ham’ chips. Not exactly wacky, but I haven’t ever seen them before. I think after the oyster-omelet chips we found in Taiwan
no oyster-omelet chips
nothing will compare!

In the evening we went to “Museum After Hours: Friday Fringe Takeover”. This was a Fringe event at the National Museum of Scotland. It was just OK…we saw 4 sample shows – 2 were great, one so much that we might see the full version, and 2 that we will definitely NOT see. We also looked at much of the museum’s collections – a wide variety, of subjects much about Scotland -  science, natural history, human history, geology etc. This is a huge place, which the photo kind of shows.


Lori said...

Love the picture from the second level of the museum!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lori. That picture is awesome! ❤️