Monday 7 August 2017

August 7 - Rome, Italy

random beer, on a random street
As our time here in Rome comes to an end so does this heat wave…it was still a corker today, I saw at one point a temperature display that read 35 – crazy when that is cooling! The heat was most noticeable when we were anywhere indoors without AC – churches and the occasional shop. We think we are retreating from the heat in there, but those place seem to have a higher humidity and we quickly become drenched…even Chris starts to glow, and that is no small feat.

We got another late start today, but we’re fine with that. There are still few things that are on our “would be nice to see if it wasn’t so freakin’ hot’ list, but since it is still so freakin’ hot, we passed…got to save something for the next time we are here…right? So we just wandered…there is always something to see and it’s fun finding what that is without a plan. There seem to be enormous, beautiful churches every 5 minutes and interesting fountains to look at so off we went.

Soon enough we were drawn in by the appeal of a tiny table spilling out of a tiny bar, on a tiny street so we sat in their tiny chairs – beers weren’t so tiny. Normally I
apparently one of the world's largest frescos
don’t drink beer firstly, because I’m not a bit fan, but secondly I never know where my next pit stop will be…these freaking’ hot days seem to call for beer.


Somewhere on our travels we spotted my mom’s street – Via Del Leone.

A bit more wandering and a couple more churches we found a place that looked good for lunch and so we sat…a couple of pastas and some wine later and we were satisfied.

More shade hunting, wandering, churches, fountains before one last pint shopping for room snacks and that was the afternoon!
'normal, typical' building

details like these are EVERYWHERE
One interesting thing we saw last night was a floating opera singer. This was a guy (might have been a few people) on a boat slowly floating down the Tiber (or Tevere in Italian) singing and broadcasting super loudly opera…super interesting and seems to me
…very Italian.
floating opera

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