Monday 13 August 2018

Frankfurt, Germany – August 13

Frankfurt's financial area
22 degrees, rain, then clear, then blustery, then cool

After a lazy morning, partly being lazy, partly avoiding the rain, we hit the road. We ended up at Frankfurt’s Kleinmarkthalle, which is a market with typical market fare, except for the quality…this wasn’t typical. I’ve never seen such beautiful, well presented produce in all of my life! It was
fairy tale fountain
incredible. The cheese and pastries were pretty incredible too. Then we found ourselves in a section for pet supplies and gardening supplies – I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen more seed pack in any garden centre at home. There of course were every kind of wurst known to Germany. There were also food stalls that you could get food to eat at the
cathedral within the destruction
moment – similar to home.

That was on the first floor or floor zero as it is in Europe, then we made it to the second floor which was filled with more restaurant style places - we had an Italian lunch. This is also where the WINE was, and was there every wine! I’m not really sure I still don’t understand how it worked exactly. Each of the small restaurants (and by small I mean room for less than 20) also served wine kind of to-go. People would come by get a glass of wine and either drink it there just
standing around or would take it to a stool area overlooking the first floor. People also took these glasses of wine to the smoking area which was PACKED. I wonder if it was always packed or if it was the time of day. People also return their glasses. Glasses of wine ran from about 2.50 to 4.50 (3.75-6.75). A super interesting place.

The Frankfurt Cathedral was very near there, so we popped in. It is an interesting place mostly because of how it avoided complete
destruction during the war. It isn’t particularly ornate inside as other churches we visit can be.

Next was a bit of required soccer shop shopping, followed by the necessary grocery shopping. I found the smallest salami balls…Chris wasn’t sure we should buy them as maybe we wouldn’t eat them all…as I write this a few hours later…they’re GONE – and they were delicious. In addition to the usual purchases, we got some new chips…Western – that’s German for BBQ and 4 beers to do a DIY
the tiniest salamis ever!
in-room tasting. We both agreed there were slight differences between the beers, but not a lot.

On the way back to the hotel I needed a loo, so instead of just hurrying back, we found another drinking establishment which we were sure would have ‘facilities’ – we were right.

In the evening we crossed Frankfurt’s river Main. We walked along the river for a bit which was quite a busy place. There were people picnicking, drinking,
DIY beer tasting
biking, jogging, smoking their own hooka pipes (can’t say I’ve ever seen people smoking their own) and basically enjoying the evening, even though it was a bit blustery. The sky was super interesting tonight and made for some cool shots of the Frankfurt skyline.

Our destination across the river was Sachsenhausen, the area to find apflewein pubs – and we did. Although we were here around 9, we may have been a bit early, or it was a Monday – either way it wasn’t overly
apflewein and green sauce
hopping. We found a place that was relatively busy and sat for our first apflewein. Apflewein or apple wine, is very comparable to a very dry cider. I being a cider lover to begin with really liked it, Chris liked it too. It is served in typical glasses with diamond etching apparently to prevent
found the bread
slipping when held by greasy hands…kind of gross. I had schnitzle and Chris had tiny wurst and another handkase. I was looking to try the Frankfurt green sauce, which came with the schnitzle. The green sauce was tasty – it’s a creamy sauce made with at least 7 different herbs. The handkase was supposed to some with bread and butter, which we thought the waitress had forgotten until she showed us that they were hidden under the plate –

hilarious, the 3 of us had a good laugh after that.

We hopped for another apflewein someplace else on the way, but everywhere seemed to close around 10.

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