Tuesday 14 August 2018

Frankfurt, Germany – August 14

Stadel museum
24 degrees, lots of cloud, a tiny sprinkle then partly sunny

It’s been much too long since we were inside a museum, so today was the day to rectify that. On the banks of the Main river, is a bunch of Frankfurt’s museums in the museum district. We decided to go the what we figured was the main art museum, The Städel. The collection was bigger than I expected.
backs of paintings
We spent a couple of hours in there and could definitely have spent longer. We got the audio guides, which draws things out – in a good way. Art spanned from Renaissance to modern. An interesting part of the museum was an exhibit of the reverse sides of paintings – this showed how much information the backs of paintings actually contain. The most
more backs
interesting thing about this museum to me was that it was ‘the’ place for contemporary art during pre-war years, over 700 piece of art were confiscated by the Nazis because they thought these pieces were ‘degenerate’.

Lunch was in the old town in one of the squares -
apple wine bemble
Römerplatz. I had potato ‘dumplings’ which were more of potato pancakes to me with green sauce…all very good and Chris had the special…cordon bleu. With our food we had a bembel (traditional clay pitcher) of apple wine…again very good. The atmosphere was great…good server, great weather (not in a lather for once), good food, good people watching.

Frankfurt is currently having an apple wine festival. We had to stop after lunch for an apple wine. I had a
lunch...more green sauce

rosé this time, which I didn’t love as much – sweeter. Had I noticed before I ordered, I may have had a ‘hamsterpisse’! Hamsterpisse is apple wine and some kind of beer I think. 

In the evening we decided a bit too late to go out for food…by the time we got any place the kitchens were closed…a pitcher of beer and nachos were the best we could do.

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