Saturday 3 August 2019

Rome, Italy / Vatican City – August 3

Clear, 35 degrees, not oppressively humid

they said they were happy to be there
Well…what do I say about today??? It was something else…my dad just asked me if I ever thought I’d be walking around Rome with my parents and of course my answer was ‘no’ – it
was a pretty special day, even if at only one point I referred to herding cats. I have my husband to thank for suggesting and pushing for us to ask my
Spanish Steps
parents. Chris did, however, decide to sit this one out and did his own tour closer to the port.

So, the first thing to say is that today was loooooong and hot. It wasn’t too humid, so I’m extremely thankful for that. The second thing to say is that the Vatican was packed with people.

Unfortunately, Rome is about 90 minutes away from the port of Civitavecchia, so that is how we started and ended our day. The bus wasn’t crowded, all 3 of us got 2 seats to ourselves (which I love) and was nice and air conditioned. Half way to Rome we had a comfort stop. I got an espresso to feel a little bit Italian!
Trevi Fountain

Once we arrived in Rome we had a panoramic driving tour of many of the major sights - Pyramid of Caius Cestius (which I didn’t know existed), the ruins of Circus Maximus (Roman chariot races were held here), a super quick view of the Forum, the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum. Rome is a city like no other I’ve been to, it’s just one mind-blowing attraction after another and even when the thing you are looking at isn’t a world famous
St. Peter's Square
attraction it is still mind blowing. We were just walking down the street and same upon 2 super impressive churches. Had we not actually noticed them and went in, we would never have known they were there – there’s really no signs, just a door and maybe mass times.

We started our free time at Piazza della Popolo. We wandered from here to the Spanish Steps and then the Trevi Fountain. I was very impressed with myself for getting us to the Spanish Steps and was sure I was on the right track to the Trevi
Fountain, until I wasn’t. We weren’t too far gone
Vatican Gardens
and after my dad asking…we made it.

That place was as frantically busy as I remember it. All of those people kind of take away the charm of visiting a place, but then again, maybe they add to it.

We didn’t think we had time for lunch, so we just sat and had a beer.
Michelangelo's Pietà

The rest of the day was spent visiting the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. The whole time we were at the Vatican it was jammed with people and a bit mind blowing!

our fav ship band to welcome us home
I think the woman in the background might be ???
On the way back I had hopped we would stop along the way for the comfort stop…I could really have used a bus beer to drink during my bus blogging.
bus blogging - love portable wifi


Rose said...

That’s just the very best day, with such a historical venue. You covered all our footsteps to the most breathtaking sights. Soooo Happy you had this experience to share with my fav people! Hugs and much love!

lisa said...

you're right's been a pretty special time for us!