Tuesday 4 February 2020

Cruising The Pacific Ocean en route to Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands – February 4

Mostly cloudy, a couple of downpours, 28 degrees

So, my expectations for toilet flushing have significantly decreased. Forget about watching it flush in the opposite direction – that’s for princesses…I just want to see it flush! That’s how my morning started…not pretty. We’ve been down this road before so expected things to be ‘moving’ again after a few hours – and that’s what happened. It was a nice-ish day for the pool, if we couldn’t use the loo, at least we could use the pool…no, not like that!

We always find a spot tucked under an overhang to keep out of the sun, today it was the perfect spot to keep out of the downpour. The rain didn’t last long, but as sun worshipers were sprinting for cover, we were sitting happily under cover.

On port days, the goal of this blog is to describe what we saw and did. It’s pretty incredible how much we’ve seen, done and experienced over the years through travel. When we’re travelling is when we reflect most on previous trips. Often, it’s when we least expect something to happen that it happens. I fully admit that it’s Chris who is the king-pin of our adventures; if it was up to me we’d rarely leave the house! It’s also Chris who makes sure we go on as many excursions as we can. I love the excursions, but if we happen not to have one on a particular day, I’m happy for a self-imposed sea day…nope, he makes sure we get out and experience something. Excursion quality is never a sure thing…guides, transportation, fellow travellers, what we are actually seeing - always unknown…however, we will never know by staying on the boat – I get that. I also LOVE the blog so that I can look back to reminisce and to remind myself of when we did what we did.

I did that today when we were having the ship’s French lunch. Before we committed, Chris did a walkby…came back to report that there was pissaladière, I recognized that name, but couldn’t remember what it was. As soon as I saw it I remembered it from our trip last summer. It is a focaccia/pizza dough thing we had in France. It was delicious then and it was delicious today, of course I had to consult the blog to remind myself of the details.

Speaking of lunch…we are still unable to serve ourselves…ugh! This method of food acquisition is definitely appetite supressing. Today at the French buffet, I wanted some bread for the mussels I had (that BTW were delicious!) it probably only took 3 minutes for someone to give me 2 slices of bread, but what took someone 3 minutes would have taken me 3 seconds…I thought I had a lot of patience - sheesh :).

No photos today.

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