Wednesday 26 February 2020

Wellington, New Zealand – February 26

harbour lighthouses
Mostly clear, 22 degrees, delightful

Today’s tour was titled: “Wellington Harbour and the Storm Coast” – I’d say it should have included a mention of the sheep farm we visited, that was a highlight! The description mentioned the visit, but it was so interesting, that it deserved title billing.

Wellington’s harbour is natural and is very beautiful. Today was clear enough that we could just make out New Zealand’s south island – according to our guide, this isn’t common. We of course were docked in the harbour, but our side of the boat faced a busy road, the rugby stadium and a holding pen for many brand new cars waiting for shipping…oh, and don’t forget the many, many LOGS still waiting for
dog at work
I wanted to have breakfast out there – the weather was perfect, but as I wouldn’t want to have breakfast overlooking Deerfoot Trail at home, I passed on a similar situation here.

The tour had us hugging
everywhere along the beach
Wellington’s harbour, which was fine with me – it was beautiful and very interesting. The coastal road we drove along was paved…just. The area was controlled to the extent
wind groomed shrubs
that our bus driver had to punch in a code to open a gate to get us through. I’m not sure what would happen if a car wanted to go through – maybe you apply for a permit?? There were some walkers and cyclists, but very few other vehicles.

On one side of the narrow road was a steep hill covered with trees, brush and dotted with the occasional wild goat. On the other side was the harbour – the beach was rocky with lots of shells and driftwood.

Our destination was Pencarrow Lodge and sheep farm. Here we had ‘morning tea’ and a sheep herding (what is called mustering) demonstration. It is crazy how the sheep whether being herded or not, flock together. The sheep dog demonstration was impressive.
breakfast thanks :)

On the was back we stopped for some photos on the beach – didn’t do too much walking here, the beach was too rocky for my shoes to cope with.

spoiled for choice
Gas in New Zealand is more expensive than at home…a litre for about 1.70 Canadian.

same lighthouses from the ship
Happy Birthday Jamie!

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