Saturday 5 August 2023

August 5 – Barcelona, Girona, and Figueres Spain

Dali Day
Weather – another lovely start the day,
Gerona gate

nice to spend a few minutes on our room’s courtyard (21º), 30º in Girona and Figueres later, but not humid

Steps – 12,469

Dali! Today was all about Salvadore Dali. Before today I knew very little about Salvadore Dali. Today’s guide could not have been more knowledgeable.

Unfortunately, getting to Girona (a small medieval town on the way to Figueres) and Figueres (Dali’s birthplace) was a commitment…a 90-minute drive there and

Jewish museum

back. The Spanish countryside was interesting for a bit, but after 90 min I had had my fill.
so thirsty!

Today was a group of 8, just like our Montserrat tour. However, today’s tour was 10 hours long…pick up at 8:30 and drop off around 6:45…it was worth it!

We stopped for a cappuccino just outside of Barcelona before embarking on the to Girona, a small medieval town an hour away. During a short walking tour, we learned about

GOT passageway

Gerona’s defensive Roman walls, about Gerona’s Jewish history, Catholic history, and Game of Thrones history – at least 4 scenes from GOT were filmed in Gerona - I didn't watch GOT, but apparently it was a big deal. During our free time, Chris and I visited the Jewish Museum and saved time for a refreshment. We also saw


an iron bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel in the 19th-century. Girona is very
Dali - can you see the skulls?

charming. I’d be happy to spend a few days here sometime. Not a ton to do, but charming and a nice place to hang for a bit.

Next was lunch in Figueres – super close to the French border. We were on our own for lunch. The guide recommended an Italian place and although not authentically Spanish…he said it’d be a good bet…it was. They had sangria, so that was Spanish!

We didn’t see a lot of the town, because we were focused on the highlight of the
didn't look like this with the naked eye

day…the Dali Museum. Salvador Dali designed the museum itself. Luis our guide, seemed to know everything there was to know about Dali and was extremely passionate about him…perfect. This place was crowded, but we managed. Being a small group let us snake through the crowds. There were 2 little kids on the tour, who weren’t exactly interested, they eventually got on Luis’ nerves, can’t really blame the kids…it wasn’t exactly kid friendly.

Dali museum

Visiting the museum on our own, or even

with an audio guide (like was always do) would have been a cool experience, but with Luis it was pretty amazing! He showed us things in some of the pieces that we would never have noticed
Dali's pieta

or known on our own. He also connected Dali’s life to his art, which was super interesting. We were in the museum for 2 hours. 
Today was the first and only day of museums on this trip. I love a museum, especially an art museum, but any museum. Typically, they are chill, quiet, little


talking places...glorious. The Jewish museum was all of those things, the Dali museum not-so-much, but "you take the good you take the bad."


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