Saturday 9 December 2023

December – vacation prep

Malaria pills…check.

Yellow fever vax…check.

Probiotics for my belly in case I eat anything my delicate Canadian system can’t handle…check.

Long pants and long sleeves even though it’ll be a million degrees…check.

Shoe condoms…check.

A wheely carryon with just-in-case-my-checked-bag-goes-missing…check.

Old lady foot brace for my plantar fasciitis…check.

Fiber gummies for my fibre-needy-probably-won’t-get-the-required-flax-system...check.

My house cleaner than it is when I’m actually living in it…check.

Visiting far-flung lands or even lands not so far-flung is always exciting and fun

but getting there can be stressful. Research shows (apparently), that the anticipation of vacation is as beneficial or even more beneficial to our mental health as actually being away from the stresses of home. Fortunately, I have few stresses at home.
shoe condoms, malaria pills, bug spray, etc.

This time tomorrow we should be in Miami. We’ll be in Miami for a couple of days before boarding a cruise ship on Tuesday for a 25-day trip through the Caribbean up the Amazon and back to Miami via more Caribbean islands.

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