Wednesday 27 December 2023

December 27 - Alter Do Chao, Brazil (Amazon River)

crossing to get to the beach
Weather – 30º, humid…very humid
Brazilians know how to serve beer!

Steps – 5,763

Alter Do Chao is the Caribbean of Brazil. It is on a spit of land with sand on either side. This makes it a beach destination for Brazilians – and today us. This place is relatively undeveloped which means no organized tours, we knew this. We planned to wander a bit, get a beer, maybe a caipirinha and that’s about it…we met our goals.

beer drinking friend

The port area was also undeveloped – no where to actually sit for a drink. These ports we’ve visited don’t get many cruise ships, so it’s totally understandable. We soon found the beach. It was kind of like multiple beaches separated by strips of water. To get to the beach we had to wade through knee high water – if people hadn’t done it ahead of us, I don’t think we would have known that was what you were supposed to do.

Before we arrived, we wondered how the beach bars and restaurants would

artful caipirinha

cope with the rising and falling river level. The bars and restaurants stayed where they always are, and the tables moved with the water level. There was a
one last caipirinha

long line of plastic tables and chairs actually in the water and waiters would run food and drinks to the tables in the waters. This place was BUSY.

We decided to have a beer at a table at the bar area as there really weren’t any avail tables in the water. This was totally fine we had a nice chat with the bar manager.

stink bug

We got one last caipirinha - this is a Brazilian art form. This
pineapple and prosciutto

guy making them was meticulous – very specific about how he cut and muddled the lime, how much sugar and how much cachaça. We enjoyed these just standing on the pier before getting back to the tender.

That was it for Brazil. We are on to 3 sea days starting tomorrow and then back to the Caribbean.

BTW...I've become obsessed by my phone's ability to identify what's in my pics. We found a Brown Mamorated Stink Bug on our balcony.

I had an interesting dish tonight...super thinly sliced pineapple topped with prosciutto...would have again. 

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