Thursday 28 December 2023

December 28 - AT SEA

equator crossing ceremony
Weather – 27º, partly cloudy, a sprinkling or rain

Steps – 6,871

Sometime in the morning we crossed back into the Northern Hemisphere.  The equator crossing ceremony went ahead this morning, after having missed it on the way down due to weather. It’s a charming, silly ceremony that we are happy to watch.

We are back to our usual sea day sched. After some time at the gym, we found a spot at the pool to watch the ceremony. As usual, most of the chairs have been

Brazilian beer

‘claimed’ but few people are actually in them – annoying, but in the end, we found spots.

Morning reading, blogging, equator crossing ceremony watching, followed by cool by the pool, lunch and we were back at the room for the afternoon. I see more of this to be in my near future.

We finally have some local beer on board. We don't drink a lot of beer on board, unless it's local. This is the first time we've had anything local. It was fine, but I think local beer tastes better locally.

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