Saturday 6 January 2024

January 6 - Miami, FL to CALGARY

January 6 - Miami, FL to CALGARY
still includes St. Bart's

Weather – 25º in Miami…slightly colder in Calgary

Steps – 6,275

Ahhh, Miami. Just like last year, the ship was late to be ‘cleared by local authorities.’ ALL baggage has to come off the ship before anyone cab disembark. Another instance of ‘who knows why’, but it is. Of course, the ship’s staff can’t take the bags off, that has to be done by the port employees, so we are at the mercy of their speed, or lack thereof. The first passengers were scheduled to disembark at 8AM, but that didn’t start until after 9:30. Our flight isn’t until 1:40, so we weren’t worried. I’m sure some people
are though – we’ve been there…we avoid early flights home after cruises as much as we can – way too stressful, especially for things out of our control.

good morning Miami!
farewell in crew languages

Another as usual…rooms had to be vacated by 8, so we spent the rest of the time at the pool, eating a bit of breakfast. We expected this, so it was fine.

We waited as the various groups were called to disembark…we were just taking an Uber by ourselves, so had no reason to wait, other than not being called because the whole operation was behind. Around 10:15 we decided to just leave – within an hour we were at the airport.

until next time!
making sure the bags make it
We checked in online but couldn’t link our Nexus online - we decided to wait in line to talk to a real person and get this done. On first glance, the airport seemed like a gong show, but we had our Nexus figured and were in the Delta lounge
within half an hour – TSA precheck definitely expedites security – we took nothing out of our bags…jut had them and us scanned and were through.

Arrival home was a rude awakening…blowing snow on the tarmac, still glad to be home.

I am often asked what the highlight of my trip was, I usually say everything was great, and nothing particularly stood out…not this time…MONKEYS!!! And


generally being in the AMAZON, especially on Christmas Day especially on a jungle trek especially in the middle of a downpour.

164 days until the next journey to… ICELAND!

Thanks again for coming with us!!

BTW…27 days away, 40 written pages of blog, 16,000 words, 28 blog entries, 6 new countries visited

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