Saturday 22 June 2024

June 22 – AT SEA, Cruising the North Sea

wind farm
Weather – 20º, warm enough to morning blogging and al fresco lunch

Steps – 7,544

Sunrise – 4:22, sunset – 9:42

If it were up to me, the first day of every cruise would be ‘at sea’. It’s lovely to have no where to be, to sleep in and to explore the ship – especially when the ship is new to us. I woke up at 5 despite my sleep mask to the sun streaming through a crack in the curtains. I thought I was up, but I turned over and the next time I looked at my watch it was almost 9! That’s how eastward jet lag treats me…I can sleep in.

cocktail hour
We didn’t leave the room until after the captain’s noon message. Went for a
hung out with us at the pool

cappuccino, explored the spa and gym, and found ourselves at lunch.

It was sunny and lovely for a bit of post-lunch pool time and then back to the room for a brief trip to naptown before dinner.

We learned that the depth of the sea here is 20 metres – I guess that’s what makes it a good place for wind farms and wave / tidal power.

PS...outfit came back perfect, paint long gone!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Great first day at sea!