Saturday 27 May 2006

German efficiency

Since we arrived in Nice, I have had my eye on a waterfall at the top of a fortress. It is quite a climb to the fortress. Once next to the waterfall it is quite a sight. There is also a fantastic view of Nice and the coastline from here where we are able to locate many of the spots we visited. This is one of my favourite sights on the trip so far - spectacular. We met a guy at the fortress from UNB and while we were talking a woman approached us who was from Fredericton - what are the odds??

Our flight to Munich to then connect to Bucharest was late leaving so we had very little time to make the connection. We were met by an airport rep who knew we had very little time to connect. He whisked us in a van across the tarmac to an isolated passport control desk from where we were again whisked to our next plane. The whole experience was remarkable and took about 5 minutes - it was like we were spys. That's the way to move through airports! The efficiency we have encountered in the 2 times we have come into Germany in the last few years has been stunning.

Once we made it to the hotel we fell into bed as it was about 2 am.

Tomorrow is our first full day in Bucharest.

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