Monday 14 July 2008

Dubrovnik, Croatia - July 14

Dubrovnik is breath-taking! We haven't even really seen much of it as we only arrived yesterday around 5:00 after a day of travelling here from Athens via Rome. The drive from the airport to the city is on a winding road right along a cliff on the edge of the Adriatic Sea - stunning. We've been on water for most of our trip so far and haven't seen anything as beautiful as this is.

Our hotel is also great. The room is lovely, as is the lobby, but what is most impressive is how the sea has been used. The hotel is built right on the sea and from where you enter the hotel to the water is 6 floors below - kind of like the Rimrock in Banff, but a whole lot easier to figure out. get out of the elevator on the sea level, turn a corner and are met with the sea. Not a beach or more cliff and then the sea below, but the sea as a pool. The hotel has built a stone deck that extends into the water's edge so that the edge of the deck is like the edge of a pool - but it's not a's the SEA! It's kind of hard to see from the the photos (click on them and they become bigger!), but you can see a shower pole and the edge of the water where people are sitting with their feet in the water.

We explored the old town within the ancient city walls a bit which is a short walk from our hotel and had dinner. Within these walls are many shops, restaurants and cafes. WOW it is humid here. It's been hot throughout this vacation, but not really too humid. Dubrovnik is HUMID! Can't say that I love the's good for the hair, but not always so good for the disposition! I embrace the humidity (more like it embraces me) as part of the experience and give in to it.

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