Tuesday 20 July 2010

Rostock and Warnemunde, Germany – July 19

Great sleep (finally) in a great bed with breakfast (although it is only shredded wheat and a bran muffin - who's old now???) from room service – doesn’t get much better than this!

This morning’s tour today is to Rostock after docking in Warnemunde. This is a relatively typical walking tour stopping at a church, the university and city hall all the while hearing about the history of the area. We end with a visit to a brewery for a beer and a German pretzel. We’ve been on tours in the past to former East German areas where the guide talks about life before and after the wall came down and this is similar but from a much younger person than guides in the past. This guide gives a bit of a different perspactive but still very interesting.

We spend the rest of the afternoon on the ship having lunch, taking a nap, doing a bit of laundry and getting a bit of sun. After dinner we hit the casino where I do a bit of damage at the 3-card-poker table.

Thanks to Penny our travel agent for the lovely anniversary Champagne – it was delicious!!


Unknown said...

Happy Aniversary... so did you do the damage at 3 card poker or was it done to you Lisa?

Penny said...

Belated Happy Anniversary, again! Glad you enjoyed the champagne. I am enjoying your travel blog.

All the best for the rest of the trip. Watch out for the "ladies" in St. Petersburg watching your every move particularly at the Hermitage and Catherine's Palace. No leaning on columns or forgetting you can't take photos in the Amber Room at the Palace. I got severe lectures for these infractions and while I couldn't understand the verbal language, I got the picture real quick from tone and body language!Penny

Stacey Jorgensen said...

Happy Anniversary! A little late perhaps, but I actually have it marked in my calender! Looks like you are having a great trip...and I like the bikes.