Saturday 15 August 2015

August 14 - Bristol to Calgary

Rain, rain, rain

Well, this is the last blog post for this vacation. We did very little today apart from packing and having lunch at the hotel. Bristol is about 150k, so we have a car transfer booked for 5 hours before the flight is scheduled to leave. The driver is about 455 minutes late, which doesn’t make me too comfortable, but we get here with plenty of time – not loads, but plenty. I was a little anxious during the car ride – but it all worked out. I even had time for one more in-airport-shower.


Heather said...

Have a safe journey home, looks like a great vacation filled with beer, cider and chips :-) oh and great history! Thanks for sharing

Rose said...

Really enjoyed your vacation, thanks for sharing another adventure and memory making moments. Loved the mural of the "well hung man"! Lots of wonderful photography. We find the cemetery visits very interesting and usually make a point of viewing some of the VIPs and ancient graves with some of the most fascinating markers. Plenty of chips, cheese and vino going on, love it ! Surprised at the reasonable prices of cheese in France. We found France to be ultra expensive. Would love to rent a flat there for a couple of month and enjoy all the ambiance. So much history and beautiful architecture and delicious cuisine.
We've had a summer of house updating with nasty necessities like furnaces and water tanks etc. Our next vacation cant come to soon! Hugs, Rose