Thursday 4 August 2016

August 4 - Southend-on-Sea

cider by the sea
24 degrees, partly cloudy, windy along the sea

I woke up very refreshed…I guess that’s what a 9.5 hour sleep will do for you! Breakfast is in the hotel (included with our room) and is basic, but good…eggs, oatmeal, sausage, bacon, cereal, fruit, yogurt, cold cuts etc. The only thing made to order was toast…I have to say that is a first for me…”Good morning. Would you like coffee, tea, toast?” – the British take their toast very seriously!

There’s not a whole lot to do here in Southend – which we knew, but when we ask at the hotel about things to do or if they have a map, the person we spoke to printed us a google map! That tells you how much there is to do. We are told that there is a place that’s ‘sort of walkable’ called Leigh-on-Sea – pubs, shops…touristy. This sounds good to us, so that’s what we do. Getting there is about 8K. By the time we are back at the hotel the Fitbit says we walked about 19K! Sounds about right. Leigh-on-Sea is a suburb of Southend, so don’t leave one town and then enter another. The walk there is right along the sea which is lovely, but super windy. I assumed that the windiness was pretty standard being right along the water, but from looking at the forecast it seems like each day since we arrived the wind will lessen. I don’t mind it at all as it keeps the temperature down which was about 24 today – definitely warmer than I expected.
fishing boat

Lots of people are out along the water – picnics, swimming, fishing, playing. Along the way there are ice-cream stands, fish and chip stands etc. – touristy. Once we get to our destination we find a pub for a well-deserved pint. I have a Symond’s cider which is delicious - I’d be happy to have another any day. We are able to find a table in the sun along the water – glorious.

beverage delivery
To get back to the hotel we decide to walk through the residential, sleepy, non-touristy part of town. Somehow we manage to find another pub and I get myself another Symond’s cider – so far I’ve managed to avoid beer…only had half of one that Chris and I split in the hotel last night…fingers crossed this will be a trend.

We also manage to find a grocery store for more potato chip/crisps research – one is Sea Salt & Aspall Cyder Vinegar and the other is Sea Salt and Chardonnay White Wine Vinegar. I’ve only tried the Cyder Vinegar ones and they are just like good ol’ salt and vinegar. The pickings here so far as quite slim in the crisps department…hopefully things will pick up – I am determined to find the comté cheese chips we found last year in France once we get there – maybe we’ll even be able to find other French cheese chips…heaven!

A before-dinner rest at the hotel was unavoidable after the day’s trek. Next was dinner at a casual seaside place near the hotel for a bottle of wine and a few appetizers. 

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