Friday 5 August 2016

August 5 – Southend-on-Sea

busy day at the beach
26 degrees, partly cloudy, calmer along the sea

Southend is home to the world’s longest pier, so…we have to walk it. It’s a bit less than 5K return. It’s basically just what it sounds like…a really long pier. At the end is a souvenir shop, café and some spots to sit. Today was probably the best day to walk the pier as it was the least windy. At the end we got a pint (still no beer for me) sat for a while, watched the men fishing and watched the world go by…lovely.
low tide

high tide
The beach today is a lot busier than the last couple of days - the beach is pretty packed. We have a bit of a hard time finding a pub we like, so we settle on happy hour back at the room. 
at the end of the world's longest pier

Dinner was at a neighborhood Italian spot in the posh area of town not far from our hotel. The restaurant is basic and not at all posh, but the houses and cars in driveways on the way there were POSH! I think to live in the neighborhood you need to have a Porsche, Range Rover and a Rolls Royce…OK, we only saw one Rolls Royce but still…
Total steps today according to the Fitbit…19700 (14k-ish), not bad, but no 30000 (20k-ish) like yesterday.

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