Thursday 2 August 2018

Barcelona, Spain – August 2

Jamon shopping
40 degrees, blazing sun…again

I didn’t used to value hotel-included breakfasts much until this trip. Having it in Munich, then not having it in Seville and now having it again in Barcelona makes me realize it’s one less thing to think about. Finding something to eat doesn’t sound like it is a lot to think about, but to me it seems to be. Also, because they are always at least partly buffet, we get to eat something nutritious once a day.
cool stuff like this EVERYWHERE!
Breakfast at the H10 Art Gallery (our current hotel) is buffet and menu – posh! And it included sparking wine, so double posh!
random street plaques

We lounged a bit on our room’s balcony (not as glorious as the courtyard outside our room at the last hotel, but nice) until early afternoon and then we set out for another free walking tour.

It was another hot one today, so we dodged the sun and strategized where to walk to be in as much shade as possible. We wandered around our hotel neighborhood a bit looking at buildings etc. We had a bit of time to kill before the tour, so we found a place for a couple of beers. 2.90 (4.40 CAD) not crazy.

Barcelona cathedral
Once we made it to the meeting area for the tour (Plaça de Catalunya) we felt like we were on the face of the
Plaça Real
sun. Holy crap was it hot! Today’s tour took us through the Gothic Quarter of the town – the old part of town including Roman ruins and medieval parts.

We stopped part way through the tour for a comfort stop and drink break…my first cava in Barcelona. I didn’t have time to linger over the drink, this and the comfort stop were 10 minutes.

cava break
On the walk back to the hotel after the tour we found our selves at
stuff like this around every corner
the Barcelona soccer shop…after buying a shirt, we were on the go again.

Back to the hotel by early evening it was siesta time. Dinner was a pizza down the street. Although it was crazy hot today, this evening was not at all
Chris and our guide
uncomfortable to sit outside.


Lori said...

My kind of breakfast!

Robert Steen said...

Its good to see you are keeping hydrated

Stacey said...

I totally get the breakie thing at hotel (or ship). it IS a lot to think about 3 meals a day, who wants to think that hard on vacation ;)